Monday, February 10, 2025

Change, Control, and Cuts

Thanks to this nasty bug, I've been stuck inside for the better part of two weeks, which for some reason made me take a pair of scissors to my hair. Not so sure that was a good idea, but I'm guessing it was/is an attempt to control something I can control. 
Starting to feel human again, and am grateful for that. 
Speaking of control, while some things in the USA seem as if they are beyond our control, we can still take some actions to defend our democratic systems. 

Contact your elected representatives, regardless of party affiliation,  and let them know how you feel about what is happening. If you are not sure what is happening, please research more than one news source. If you need suggestions, please refer to some of my previous posts. 
I'm all for transparency, but audits are usually done by accountants, not coders. Think about it. Something is very wrong here. 
Ask questions. Tell them you want answers. Elected representatives are just that - elected to represent the needs of the people. We have to speak up -- clearly and emphatically, because when we are too calm, or too small in numbers, we are ignored.
When we are ignored for long enough, humans who care tend to get emotional, and then we are dismissed as "crazy." 
It's a delicate balancing act, but don't let that dissuade you from an attempt to let your voice be heard. Just stay calm, and do what needs to be done. 

Take care of yourself. We are going to need each other. 

That's all for now. 


p.s. for our latest music release, please go to my contact page. If you decide to purchase, bandcamp gives artists the best cut. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Catching Up | Cancellation This Saturday.

Hey Everybody, 

Apologies for being scarce these past couple of weeks. 

Some crud presented itself shortly after we got back from NAMM, which was an interesting trip. Met some people we have been hearing about for the past few years, and it is always a pleasure running into Dave Wish (now of Music Will, the org formerly known as Little Kids Rock.)

So, sorry to say that we have to cancel this Saturday (2.8) at The Saloon. This gig requires full use of my lungs for three hours across a four hour period, and I am not able give that at this time. Please accept my apologies if you were planning on joining us. 

Other things on my mind: 

Not sure if you have been following the DC debacle. WIRED and Heather Cox Richardson (who identifies as a Lincoln Republican, btw) are covering it well. 
Robert Reich (pronounced RYSH) also has been sharing some helpful information. 

Artistic Endeavors: 

In my neck of the woods, some friends are having a photography exhibition. 
Reception is February 6th, 5 - 7 pm 
Photo/poster below. 

Our next gig is March 8th, at The Saloon. Please save the date. 

Take care of yourself, and please be kind to others. Sometimes, the only thing we can do to reduce the bad in the world, is to be good. 


Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Thanks to everyone who came out this past Saturday. 

Hope to see you back at The Saloon on February 8th! 
Don't be late! 


Friday, January 17, 2025

Gig Reminder, LA Music Instrument Drive

Hey There!

Looking forward to the monthly catharsis of belting out some blues in North Beach on Saturday - we will have a limited edition run of custom CDs for our most dedicated Ladies and Lords of the Kings' Court, so stop on by to get one. Or, message me through bandcamp and we'll figure out how to send you one. 
4-8 pm on Saturday, January 18th, 1232 Grant Avenue, San Francisco. 

I posted some SoCal fundraisers on my substack - the 5 to 1 match has ended, so watch their socials for updates, as they stated more fundraising opportunities may be forthcoming. 

That said, here is another way to help music students impacted by the fires -- it's an instrument drive for the LA Unified School District.  Feel free to share.

Until we see you, take care and be love. 


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Celebrating Life, Making Music, Helping Those In Need.

Hello Everyone, 

It's been a rough start to the year, a reminder of how precious life is and how things can change at any moment. Last week, we had the honor of sharing in a celebration of life for Austin deLone, a beloved member of the Marin music community. He made the Sweetwater the Sweetwater. It was wonderful to see so many old friends and music associates we had nor seen since the "before times."

As for what else is going on, thank you to everyone who has reached out to us. True, we are in California, but we are 400 miles from the fires that are still raging and causing such devastation. I have stopped trying to speak truth to some childhood classmates that feel the need to share disinformation on social media. 
Instead, I have been directing my energies towards sharing helpful information to and for friends directly impacted by the fires. Several have been evacuated and a few have lost their homes. I will keep updating the info on my substack as I gather new information. For example, there is one fundraiser with a 5 to 1 match happening as I write this. It started on January 13th and will go until January 17th, or until each reaches $50,000 for each organization, whichever comes first. That will amount to $50,000 from the general public and $250,000 from the match org. Funds will go to the LA Firefighters Foundation and the Pasadena Humane Society. You can choose. 
After that finishes, more fundraisers will start up for several more orgs. This particular fundraiser is being sponsored by and it's founder, Charlie Annenberg.
Sweet Relief has started a fund, as have Musicares and Guitar Center. West Coast Songwriters are gathering musical instruments. And many more people are chipping in to help however they are able. 

In the music making department, we are having our first album release party on January 18th, 2025 from 4-8 pm at The Saloon. Hope to see you there. 
Until we meet again, stay safe and love each other. 
