Monday, October 14, 2024

Shadows Mean Light | Messages In Music

I am still recovering and still buzzing about our Saturday show at The Saloon. I'm always honored when I get a chance to sing. I put out so much energy, singing full on for three one hour sets during that time, it's no wonder I can only do it once a month! But it is a blast. The overall mood was a bit subdued among the regulars, for obvious reasons (see previous posts.) We made it home by some miracle, despite car trouble. We will do what we have to do to fix the car, and we will be back on November 9th, 4 - 8 pm. 

Anyway, enough about our little corner of the world. 

Did you catch SNL? I don't know if you missed it. I missed it, but caught it on You Tube. I am speaking of Stevie Nicks "The Lighthouse" performance. There seems to be a huge media push about it, which makes me skeptical, but thankfully, I'm more curious than skeptical. All the media hype is a bit refreshing, since she is closer to 80 than 20, which, well, don't get me started about that ageism in music thing. 
However, she is a legend. And she has earned that title, not because of her age, but for her work as an artist and a songwriter. 

Anyway, here it is: 

Official video is here.

I feel this rage. I don't care what your personal thoughts are about about abortion. If you don't want one, don't have one. What matters most is our ability to make the CHOICE. 

I'm so ready to vote blue down the line. I want people in power who will work to protect our freedom to choose. There is a movement in play to turn us into a Christian nation. Separation of church and state must be protected. If you have not seen it yet, "Bad Faith" was the number one documentary on Amazon Prime Video last time I checked. Find out more here. 

Come on people. Come together. 
Let's do this. 


p.s. I wrote a song a few years ago about coming together. I don't have the reach of Stevie Nicks, but since you are reading this, maybe you might want to give it a listen if you haven't already. Here is the link

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