Saturday, September 21, 2024

Let's Try This Again... Moving Sale!

Hey Everybody!

Pluggin' away. Doing the deed. Coming to the end of this "Landfill Diversion Arts Project" experiment, so if you are in the neighborhood, stop by and say "hi" and do me a favor and take something off my hands and give it to someone, or drop it off at your favorite thrift shop! 
And check out some of the awesome ceramic art upstairs - only a couple more weeks to this show. 
1515 3rd Street
San Rafael, CA
Date and Time: 
9/21/24 - 12 noon to 4 pm 
9/22/24 - 12 noon to 4 pm

Hey. I know these are weird hours for a rummage sale, but these are the hours the Gallery is open. I don't have the bandwidth to be upstairs and downstairs at the same time. 

After I am finished with this chapter, it is time for more music! 
Sending love out to you. Always.


p.s. if still have no idea why the photos keep posting sideways, and at this point, who cares? ;) (Shrug) 

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