Sunday, September 22, 2024

Rummaging and Reminiscing

It can be difficult to revisit past lives. 
When going through boxes of memories packed in a hurry, we can start to get bogged down in the dreams that died, or decide to give ourselves a break and say, " least I tried!" 
It's important to give ourselves the grace we give to others. 
I do my best to treat people the way I would like to be treated -- with kindness, and am still baffled when good intention is misinterpreted. 

At least I no longer lose sleep over it!  

Have a great time doing what you do. I will be here all week, and into the weekend, engaging in my "Landfill Diversion Project" - still baffled by why the people making the rules around here have decided that they do not want to rent me a different space in the building, after my space flooded. This is why I decided to move out. 

The Gallery is open from 12 - 4 Wednesday - Sunday. Stop by and say "hi!" - or contact me via 415-789-MARI for an appointment at another time.


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