Monday, March 20, 2023

Saturday March 25th 5 - 8 pm MMLLK at the Range Cafe!

Hey Everybody!

Hope this note finds you in a good state of heart and mind! If you are able to read this, be grateful - you have more than most.  

Sending a reminder that we have an opportunity to share space, time and make musical memories together. Spring is springing and I will be singing! 

Please join us this Saturday, March 25th from 5 - 8 pm ish as we bring our band of brothers aka Livin' Like Kings to the Range Café at Peacock Gap in lovely Marin County!  It's a lovely spot and is family friendly restaurant, so feel free to bring the littles! 

This lineup, in addition to myself on vocals, of course: Arne Frager on bass, Richard Wood on keys,  David Powell on guitar and Martin Cunningham on brushes and bundles. 

Until then, travel throughout your day knowing that you are loved, even if it is from a distance. I wish you joy in your heart, peace and kindness in your soul. 




Directions to the gig!

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