Thursday, April 18, 2019
Reminder: 4/20/2019 Mari Mack & Livin' Like Kings in SF, POTUS Campaign Kickoff
Hey Everybody!
Mari here again! Just like the sun, I rise every day. I hope you do, too. More than anything, I want you to understand that you are here for a purpose, even if you don't quite know what that is right now. So, take heart, and in the meantime, be kind to yourself and others. It will make the world a better place.
That said, thank you for everything, especially those of you who have already donated to my POTUS campaign. We are just getting started, and I am hopeful and encouraged by all the people who are running. My friend Matthew rold me that there are more than 600 people running for President! We have only heard about a eighteen of them in the mainstream media. Why?
As you may have already heard, this Saturday, 4/20/2019 is the first official campaign kickoff at The Saloon in San Francisco. Downbeat is 9:30 pm. Address is 1232 Grant Avenue, corner of Fresno Alley.
This date has special significance to my platform, as two of the issues I will be addressing are the decriminalization of marijuana at the federal level and safety of our school children. One of my greatest concerns is the growing economic disparity in this country. All of this is connected, as are we.
If you cannot be there, I will do my best to live stream from the Mari Tamburo facebook page, so please join me there if you are on facebook.
The wifi signal leaves a bit to be desired over there, so if you can make it in person, please do. If not, no big deal. As the campaign donations allow, I will be able to come to you.
I know there is a lot of creativity in this country. We will be able to figure this out together.
p.s. Check out this music artist, Luisa Lopez.
(thanks to a recommendation from my friend David Wish)