Thursday, June 14, 2018

Reminder : Mill Valley Music 10th Anniversary June 16th

Hey All, 

A friendly reminder that I'm participating in the Mill Valley Music AllStars celebration of Mill Valley Music's 10th Anniversary show this Saturday, June 16th! I am singing five songs, dispersed throughout the show. Usually the format is a set of various covers with the tribute album in the second set, but since it is a mellow album, "Blood on the Tracks" will be played in the first set, so be sure to get there early so you don't miss anything.

In the full circle moment department, Gary asked me to sing an old Miracles cover, "Tears of a Clown." This is a song I recorded a very long time ago, during the Brewery Studios days. My friends had a band called the Pocket Rockets, and they asked me to guest on their cassette release. My old friend Paulie sent me the aiff, so I will be uploading it to bandcamp as soon as I clear all the permissions.

And speaking of studios, I have once again resurrected that "big vision" of the Artsboretum, a multi tenant creative space where The Plant used to be. In the eight years I was there, I learned a lot. In the ten years since we left, I have learned a lot more. The place is very special and it helps to facilitate creativity, so the ultimate goal is to preserve and protect it for future generations. That said, it is embroiled in some real estate weirdness at the moment, so that is the long term goal. The short term goal is to form the 501(c)3 and engage in some collaborative, creative programming to employ myself and my talented yet chronically underemployed and underpaid friends. 

On a personal note, I am going to start selling lots of things on eBay, because my mom's dementia has been getting worse and I want to go visit her while I still have the chance. She may not know who I am, but I still know who she is. We have been through a lot of ups and downs and the thought of her in a care facility breaks my heart. Again.

In the meantime, thank you for buying and sharing the music. I really appreciate it.


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