Monday, June 11, 2018

June 16th : Mill Valley Music 10th Anniversary Show

I get to sing in public this week!
Tickets here :

Hi All!

Hope you have a beautiful Monday filled with hope and expectation. I spent the weekend in the company of some amazing and inspirational women and it left me with a sense that I can never give up making music. I will make it between moments of cleaning the house and doing what I have to do to take care of the people I love.

Arne drove all day and I forgot to turn on the Tony Awards, so I will look on the internet and cry as I watch the kids sing from Marjory Stone Douglas sing a song about love in dedication to their drama teacher, and probably cringe as I watch Robert DeNiro use his First Amendment rights.

To feel is a blessing.

Here is a song I wrote a while back :

Thank you for listening. Hope you can make the show.


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