Monday, June 18, 2018

Next Show : July 21st "Hey Hey Mama" Cancer Relief Benefit! Mill Valley Music 10th Anniversary Show Recap, Father's Day Thoughts, Mom Update.

Next Show : July 21st "Hey Hey Mama" Cancer Relief Benefit

Hey All,

Hope you had a fun Father's Day. Always a bit of a painful holiday for me, but it is getting better as the years go by and I see past experiences from a new perspective. I posted a couple of my favorite pics of my dad on social media. The one of him at the organ used to sting a bit, but now I just look at the joy on his face and it heals that wound. Someday I will share that part of my story. So far, I have only told it to my neighbors during a memoir class, and of course, to Arne. My mom knows the story as well.
As for my mom, I am feeling better about her being in the hospital because I know my sister is visiting her and she is getting good care for her broken shoulder. Sometimes we have to know our limitations as to what we can and cannot prevent and what we can and cannot fix.

Same goes for doing what we do best, and for me, that is singing. Saturday was a fun show with my friends for the Mill Valley Music 10th anniversary. Next time I sing in public will be one song at the Hey Hey Mama Cancer Benefit. On July 21st in Oakland.

Right now, I have been given the task of finding a new place for us to live. A tall order in these times.

  I wish you the best.


p.s. I do not, in any way, support or condone what is happening at the border. This is not my America. We are better than this.

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