Monday, February 17, 2020

More Stones Coming Up!

Hey Everybody!

First things first. Next Rolling Stones show with Mill Valley Allstars is April 25th. Hoping to be able to sing "You Can't Always Get What You Wamt" - we'll see.

As usual, hope this note finds you well and/or happy! Usually the two go hand in hand. I had to take a few days off last week to fight some cryd going around.

Our bay area music community has taken a few hits lately. As I scurry to write this before I get dressed and run off to my current day gig, I want to let you know about this abominable bill that passed last year in the CA Senate and took effect on January 1, 2020. It is AB5, and it is what I would call the stupidest thing I have seen since that ridiculous illegal sidewalk Marin County jammed onto what used to be a quiet, 100% safe street in Homestead Valley, where we used to live.
Anyway, similar bills are headed to NJ and the national level. Please pay attention and do a you can to resist this legislation. It is a small business killer and it is forcing more creative people to lose income. Smh.
In the meantime, contact a temp agency and see if you can do your usual independent contractor work through them. Maybe work out a different commission structure. It's worth a try until we can collectively repeal this. What a nightmare. As if we didn't have enough to worry about with this unbelievably lame "Democratic" presidentail primary fiasco. You know I always do my best to stay positive, but seriously, we have to call a spade a spade sometimes. I wrote a letter to the NY Times, we'll see how that goes. If they don't publish, I'll just post it here next week.

I will refer you to my main website for more information, urge you to research it yourself and start to get loud.

Please pardon typos. I am on my phone.


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