Monday, September 30, 2019

Peach Mint Tea Blues

Hello, Everyone!

The sun rises each day, and so shall we.

Had a fun time yesterday, celebrating Mike Duke's CD release at the Rancho Nicasio. Seek it out if you can find it, released by the Little Village Foundation. 

Speaking of releases, I wrote a little blues ditty last week, and we recorded it in our living room.

It's called "Peach Mint Tea Blues" - would be nice to get some slide guitar on that. Will be playing it for the first time and second time on two upcoming shows:

October 11th at The Saloon in San Francisco 9:30 pm, which also happens to be International Girl Day, or something to that effect. Yay for all of us!
November 3rd at The Rancho Nicasio, 4:00 pm!

It will be one year to the date of our next Presidential election.
There's another one of those cosmic coincidences.


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