Thursday, July 19, 2018

Reminder : Hey Hey Mama July 21, 2018

Hey Hey There!

In case you missed it, this show is this Saturday night! I love that it is being held at the Impact Hub, as this feels like a convergence of two of my favorite worlds.

You may or may not know about all the hours I have spent researching social enterprise / conscious capitalism and volunteering in this sector, but this is how I formed the Artsboretum / A Vehicle for Change project vision while at The Plant (a long time ago.)

About half of the building is Harmonia now. I like the idea of wellness, especially within the music industry, because we have lost so many talented people from drugs, alcohol, well, loneliness and hopelessness, really. Anyway, it fits the concept of a conscious, collaborative creative community.

Community is connection and that is what we all need. Sure, it doesn't fit that narrative of the Lone Ranger or Scarlett O'Hara, but no one gets anything done by ourselves. If you make a sandwich, someone else baked the bread. If you baked the bread, someone else grew that wheat. We can make music, but it's more fun when people show up to listen.



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