Monday, July 9, 2018

Leap of Faith : Thoughts on Failure and Courage to Try Again

Happy Monday to You!

I wish you peace and love and to be unafraid.
We are all connected -- to each other and the earth, and we all have the power to make a positive change, we all have our gifts to bring to this world, to make it better in some way.

Speaking of being unafraid, I am happy to report that a song I wrote with my friend Troy WON a songwriting contest in the gospel/spiritual category. That would not have happened if I did not gather up the courage to enter the contest.

In case you are curious, here's a very rough video demo of the song. Please excuse me if you have already seen this (doubtful, since it has only had about 6 views so far.) That is Arne on piano. I am in the dark, because, well, I might be going through some sort of camera shy phase and besides, imho, it should be about the music first.
If you read my post about the Tiny Desk Contest several months ago, you may remember we had been going for hours trying to record/enter "My Brother's Smile" - but we kept messing it up.

Very few things are the best they can be the first time around, like this particular performance, or that creek polluting concrete slab sidewalk that could someday be an impervious community built path.
But I digress. The point I am trying to make is that when we care enough about something, we can often create our own "luck" or another opportunity to make a change for the better.

I hope you have the best day.


Dan Rather shared this on facebook. I found it very useful, so I am sharing it with you.
I hope you give yourself the time to watch it and allow yourself to become inspired.
It's just over twenty minutes long, so watch it in sections if you must.

Btw, if you get stuck on the word, "vicissitude" (I did) - here is the definition:


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