I write this as I view overcast skies. Reminding myself that everything is temporary, good or bad. Enjoy the good, ride out the awful.
Gaining inspiration from knowing that Lawrence Ferlinghetti turned 100 yesterday. I missed the North Beach festivities, as I was working through a storage locker this weekend; remnants of past lives and some of my mom's things. Sort, consolidate, donate, etc.
You may or may or may not know who Lawrence Ferlinghetti is -- if not, he is a well loved Beat poet. Here is one of his most famous works, "Pity the Nation" :
Thanks to Goodreads for the image.
Slight modification by me.
Seriously considering a run for President. What I offer: communication skills, a desire to serve, a circle of brilliant and compassionate people from which to choose a cabinet. No big money.
Hope you have a wonderful week.