Monday, May 21, 2018

Natiional Anthem for Special Olympics, Billboard Awards, Say "NO" to a $250,000 Toilet!

Hello Everybody!
Hope you are having a good day so far and if not, hope it gets better!
This past Saturday, after watching the royal wedding, I had  the honor and pleasure of singing our national anthem with my dear friend, Linda Imperial. That fellow in the middle is Michael Pritchard, he was providing kind and funny words of inspiration.  Look him up, he does good work!
Watched the Billboard Awards, was moved by Kelly Clarkson's honest expression of horror at the latest school shooting. I agree with her - we have had enough moments of silence. Time to speak up and take some action. Vote out everyone who refuses to take action.
I loved seeing Janet Jackson and all the performances.
In truth, the whole show left me inspired to make more music. Music heals.

Btw,  if you would like to stream our music, here's the Spotify link. "Can't Go Back" is the only album currently available for purchase in CD form at Mill Valley Music in Mill Valley, CA.


p.s Mill Valley does NOT NEED to build a $250,000 toilet. This is almost as bad as that dreaded illegal million dollar sidewalk. Please sign and share this petition. You do not have to live in Mill Valley to express how ridiculous this is. Thanks!

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