Monday, February 6, 2017

February 11 in SF!

Hear Ye!

Hey All, how about that Super Bowl? Exciting game, and I loved the Lady Gaga show, especially her choice of material and the drones. What an amazing crew to pull off something like that!
In our little universe, we have a gig on Saturday, with special guests Tal Morris on guitar and Larry Vann on drums.

9:30 pm
The Saloon
1232 Grant Avenue

Also, yesterday, I uploaded the unedited version of "Indivisible" to my bandcamp account. I set it up there as a pay what you want.


Hope you have a great week. Don't worry, just keep living your life. When you see good, multiply it.


P.s. If you are in Mill Valley, please meet me at the City Council meeting at 6:30 tonight. We need help convincing the City not to cut down some redwood trees. They provide the only shade for our crossing guard.

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