Saturday, May 28, 2016

Photo from Special Olympics : May 21st 2016, Creative Campaigning

On May 21st, I had the honor and pleasure of singing the National Anthem for the Marin Special Olympics with these lovely souls. We all got rained on a bit, but it didn't dampen our spirits!

Willow Van de Hoek, Mari "Mari Mack" Tamburo, Linda Imperial, Rachel Rose
Special Olympics Marin, Novato High School, 5/21/2016

What a wonderful event. I love the Special Olympics creed  :
"Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in my attempt."

Speaking of being brave in the attempt, I know I'm the dark horse in this race for Marin Supervisor, but have been pleased and humbled by the response, especially after the Marin Women's Political Action Committee Forum. There are only two women in this D4 race eligible to receive that endorsement among eight candidates: me and Wendi Kallins. Wendi, due to her work with Safe Routes to Schools, is very well entrenched in the political world and I am unknown but neither of us was endorsed by MWPAC. I thought that was interesting. She has managed to gather many more endorsements since then. Honestly, I've been too concerned with home matters and Arne's back surgery to play the usual political games.

As you may have already figured out, my husband is not too thrilled with what he calls this "latest distraction" from how he thinks I should be spending my time.  That said, I'm serious in my effort to "use my powers for good," whatever form that takes. Have not given up on singing but I have many skills and experiences to draw upon and we all want to feel useful, right? Plus, being a morning person - up with the sunrise, is a bit challenging in the music world. Kind of comical when you think about it. Well, anyway, when I think about it, I have to laugh. It keeps me from going crazy. We are both looking forward to June 8th, for different reasons.

Speaking of making and since I refuse to add to the political sign clutter in the landscape, we're getting creative in the campaign message department. One of our neighbors, Kristen, is a talented artist and she made a graphic you can download here. We have a line art version you can color yourself in case you don't have a color printer.

Also, here are a couple of ideas - analog version : get an old copy of Marin magazine, tear off the cover and the "n"and tape it to your car or house window (from the inside, of course.)
Or try upcycling an "I Love Marin" bumper sticker - call : 1-866-925-2060 or just sign up for the Marin Visitor Bureau e-newsletter by clicking this link and scrolling to the bottom of the page.  Any of these ideas will work digitally - or just scrawl "I'm voting 4 Mari" on a napkin and post the photo to social media.
Or we can try to bust out the green ribbons again! LOL

That's it for now. Hope you have a great day.
Fill your heart with love and let it spill all over the world. 


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