Monday, May 9, 2016

Musings : 5/9/2016

Hey Everybody!

I hope you had a beautiful weekend filled with love, laughter, music, dance art or whatever fills your heart and soul. We spent our weekend just being together. Yesterday was an emotional day for some of us, Arne took me to brunch. Every day we give thanks for our life together. Gratitude is everything.

Next Show : May 20th : Mari Mack, MMLK plus Friends at the San Geronimo Valley Community Center :  A portion of the proceeds will benefit the San Geronimo Affordable Housing Association.
They are doing great work. We are facing a housing crisis in Marin and developers are circling, trying to cram more hideous high density housing along the corridor.

I'm still gathering friends and musicians for this show. If you haven't heard from me yet. don't take it personally - my phone died last week, so I couldn't respond to texts. No worries, as I have a new one and will be contacting folks today between preparations for tonight's League of Women Voters' Candidate Forum for District 4 Candidates: Please keep in mind that each vote a Supervisor makes impacts all of Marin - so if you have time, please get involved with this process in some way.

Hope you have a great week!


p.s. I posted my first bit of writing on Medium. Check it out.

Plus, I came across this video, thought it worth a share:

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