Hey Everybody!
Hope this particular musing finds you well and happy and engaged in matters that mean something to you while empowering you to use your powers for good.
I'm still feeling some bones rearranging after being hit by that car while crossing the street on 3/18/2016 - thank you for all your kind words.
Believe it or not, another pedestrian was hit in that same crosswalk just a few days ago.
According to a neighbor on Nextdoor, injuries were serious. Please join me in sending sincere wishes for a speedy and full recovery to this person whose name we do not yet know.
It's a very badly designed intersection. I was speaking to one of my neighbors the other day and she mentioned that intersection as being a known problem area. While she was a mom volunteer for Safe Routes to Schools, that intersection was mentioned in several meetings as always needing the best, most experienced crossing guard (whose name happens to be Kevin.) My husband and I were crossing there one day and TWO cars almost ran into us, even though we were both yelling and waving our hands to get their attention and Kevin was placing his cardboard STOP sign directly on the windshield of the black SUV that finally stopped within inches of where I was hit a couple of weeks ago.
Speaking of that intersection - if you were following that sidewalk saga which sparked my interest and involvement in local politics, you may or may not recall that the SR2S application used a minor accident somewhere near that particular intersection (in Mill Valley city limits) to justify building a four block million dollar sidewalk from Whole Foods to the private commuter school (in semi-rural Homestead Valley.) I mentioned this fact on a thread in Next Door, and my comments were flagged by a few people and removed by one or more of the LEADS. Apparently, there are a still a handful of people who are trying to prevent the truth from being discussed.
It's a very long story spread over several blogs. I'm sure it will make a funny comedy movie script if I ever figure out how to make the time and find the money to sit down and write it. While most of the mess is documented, the most hilarious parts have yet to be told. I'm very grateful for the ability to use humor to work through challenges - and in the grand scheme of things, this particular issue may not seem like a big deal, but I cannot help thinking that it is only one example of the waste and misappropriation of taxpayer funding in our government.
These are the things we should be talking about as concerned citizens, so we can learn from mistakes and use our collective knowledge to brainstorm solutions that work for more than just a few people.
We can and should do better.
I am encouraged that so many people are running for Supervisor.
Best Regards,
Upcoming events :
Marin Democrats Supervisors Endorsement Meeting : 4/7/2016 6:00 pm