Monday, March 14, 2016

Musings : 3/14/2016 : Update on District 4 Supervisor Race

Thanks to everyone who has pledged to donate - the time is now to get those donations in!

Paypal takes three days to get to the bank, so please make those donations Monday the latest.

Deadline for me to file is March 16th - I would love to be able to file today or tomorrow, then continue to gather donation so I can file a candidate statement in both English and Spanish by Wednesday. Then I will start to assemble my team.

Local Mill Valley check dropoff location :

Mill Valley Music
320 Miller Avenue
Mill Valley, CA 94941

Please make check payable to : " Mari Tamburo Campaign " - Thanks!

btw - In case you were following my blogging during the sidewalk quagmire, you might find this of interest -

Have a great Monday!


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