
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Thursday Thoughts : Gigs in SF, Tiny Desk Update...

Hello Again! 

Heading into the weekend, here's what's on my mind: 

Saturday, May 18th  |  4 - 8 pm or thereabouts - we are back at The Saloon, 1232 Grant Avenue, San Francisco. We are going to try to put a blues spin on the new tune. 

Tiny Desk Update: Winner has been announced! It wasn't us, which is not a surprise to me, because given everyone's crazy schedules, with family and work/survival commitments, we barely had time to get together to make the video we made. We may enter again next year, but I have several videos to make between now and then. 

That said, I am a new fan of Philharmonik, love the song that won, and their video was very clever. A lot of folks in this video. Kudos to them all for their teamwork! Here's a link to the winning video.  I genuinely thrilled for Philharmonik! So much ahead for this talented young man! I'm getting a very Billy Preston vibe from him. Hope he gets to move out of his "Mama's House" soon. 

Upcoming dates in the summer: 

June 8th at The Saloon

July 6th at The Saloon

July 13th at The Throckmorton Theatre - this is going to be a video shoot. Come join us! 

July 31st at the Empress Lounge in Vallejo. We'll be celebrating Arne's birthday on this nite! It's early, too, so come on out! 

Random "Artsboretum" Update: 

Back in May of 2022, Marin County enacted a Reusable Foodware Ordinance, which goes into effect in November. The County is offering $599 grants to assist businesses with compliance. More info: HERE This legislation comes not a moment too soon, since plastic is choking our planet. I'm especially concerned about our oceans. 

Don Bassey is raising funds for his album! Check it out: 

That's it for now! 

