
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

My Brother's Smile

My brother would have celebrated his 67th trip around the sun today, so I'm sharing "My Brother's Smile" here.  Chances are, you have already heard the tune and know the story. 

I also would like to share some life lessons I have learned in the years since 1979: 

Be kind, use your powers for good, rest when you need to rest. 
Life is not easy, but it's worth the extra effort! 
Resist fascism in all its forms, even when it is "well intended." 
Forgive often and move on, because holding onto hurt hurts you, too. 

Understand that some people will not care for you in the same way that you care for them, and some will only care about what you can do for them, so be sure to take care of yourself. 

Remember to laugh, play music, and dance. 

I wish you all the best day possible, because days add up to weeks, months and years, and now is all we have.
Be love, be peace. 
Be you. You are enough. 
