
Thursday, January 11, 2024

Saturday in SF

Hey Kids and All You Kidders - 

A friendly reminder that myself and Livin' Like Kings are hittin' the 101 Southbound, taking that trip to the old Saloon in North Beach on Saturday to drench ourselves in the tunes for a bit - from 4-8 pm, in fact! 
It feels like it's been forever, but I feel like shakin' off these blues, as they have been holding me down for too long! 

I guess I have to create some time to gather credits and scribble a cartoon or two for the next album. Arne has been mixing away, and those of you who have been traveling with us on this journey will recognize some of it, but given how rare and special you folks are, that leaves a whole lot of ears who will find the notes for the first time! 
I just celebrated another trip around this big gas ball, so I'm ready to rock and roll! 

Come by and say "hi!" if you are willing and able. Sending love to all. 


The gig: 

1232 Grant Avenue
San Francisco, CA
4 - 8 pm 
Saturday, January 13th, 2024