
Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving. 

Sometimes the words do not come easily. 

That's where music comes in. 

Next music gig: 

December 9th in San Francisco has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances. In other words, I have a head cold and am sure, since I know how much time it takes my voice to heal, that I cannot do this gig. 

Please accept my apologies, and I hope to see you soon. 

Meanwhile, go check out Talley Up at Mac's at 19 Broadway on December 1st. 

1232 Grant Avenue

4 pm - 8 pm 

Playing on this one: 

Arne on bass

Dave Powell on guitar

Jim Talley on keyboards

Roy Blumenfeld on drums. 

It will be a jam, on that you can be sure. 

