
Sunday, October 23, 2016

Musings : 10/23/2016 : Presidential Election and More...

Hello All!

It's been a while since I've rambled on this blog. Can't really explain why, I think it's because there's a lot to do around the house and blogging feels like a guilty pleasure because I haven't figured out how to get paid to do it.

That said, here are some thoughts about the upcoming election. I choose to be positive and I'm happy to cast my vote for Hillary. She really is the only sane choice and we are lucky to have her. It's encouraging that she and Bernie are working together and it's important that we elect a Senate that wants to actually get something done instead of just create tax breaks for the wealthy while destroying the planet.

Just in case any of you are still undecided or for some reason are considering voting for that other guy,  here is the New Yorker endorsement of Hillary Clinton for President:

Locally, I decided to publicly endorse Dennis Rodoni for Supervisor.

On the music front, expect a Livin' Like Kings gig in November in SF!  The  "in house producer"  is going to be busy with another album for the next several months, so I'm available for some sessions and music gigs.
Just call me at 415-789-6274 (6274 spells "mari") and leave a message.

Hope you have a great week!
